I wanted to try something new with a very different pizza flavor, This one is so tasty, Using the Rice Protein & Chia Stir Fry Strips and the Satay Sauce really make a great team for this delicious meal.
1 Packet Rice Protein & Chia Stir Fry Strips (will make two large)
small handful baby spinach
Satay Sauce Find Here!
1 small Onion (Diced)
dried Oregano and Basil
Salt to Taste
Fresh Moxarella Cheese Find Here!
Pizza Dough I used Instructions
1. On a pizza tray preferably with holes, add a small amount of Satay sauce to the Chicken strips set in fridge for an hour (optional)
2. Add some Satay sauce to the base to almost all the way to edge
3. Add the Onion next just a sprinkle over the base, and add some spinach
4. Add the Chicken strips and Moxarella cheese in blobs, Sprinkle with basil and oregano and salt
and bake 180C for 20mins or till it is golden brown, Add some more spinach to wilt on top and serve! Enjoy! =)