I am loving creating so many different ideas for raw things, in particular desserts it's unlimited the many different fruits available to create thing with.
Ingredients Base
1 cup Raw Almonds (soak overnight if you don't have a great blender)
1 cup shredded Coconut
9-11 Medool Dates (pitted)
2 Tbsp Cacao Powder
1/4 tsp Himalayan Pink Salt
Ingredients Fillings
3 cups Raw Cashews (soak if needed)
3/4 cup Coconut Cream
1/2 cup Organic Rice Malt Syrup
1/4 tsp Himalayan Pink Salt
1 Tbsp + 2 tsp Lemon Juice
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
Zest of one Lemon
125 grams Fresh Blackberries
remainder of the Lemon juiced extra
4 tsp Coconut Oil
For the chocolate drizzle: mix cacao powder, maple syrup or agave nectar and coconut oil in equal parts... melt if needed and stir, taste and adjust to your own liking.
1. In a processor add all the ingredients for the base except dates and pulse till all incorporated well add the dates and process again, test to see if pinching a small amount in your fingers holds together, if not add another date at a time till it does.
2. In a square slice tin, with baking paper liner press the mixture into it evenly covering the whole base (you might have a small amount left over that you can freeze), you can use a class to roll the base while it's in the tin so it's one thickness. Pop in to the freezer till the filling is made.
3. In a blender add the nuts, coconut cream, rice syrup,1 Tbsp + 2 tsp lemon juice, vanilla, and salt and blend till smooth, It should have a thick gloopy consistency and that's fine.
4. Scoop out about half into a bowl and leave the other half in the blender, add the blackberries to the half in the blender and blend till all mixed in, pour into a clean bowl.
5. To the plain mixture add the remainder of the lemon juice and all the zest and mix and add 2 tsp of coconut oil and stir.
6. To the blackberry mixture add 2 tsp coconut oil and mix well.
7. Grab the base from the freezer and add the lemon mixture to it spreading it evenly, pop it back into the freezer for 10mins.
8. Now add the blackberry mixture to the top of the lemon mixture and put it back in the freezer till it's firm, This holds it's shape well in the fridge and doesn't need to be kept frozen...it's up to you.
9. Once it's firm slice it up anyway you like and drizzle with the melted raw chocolate if you like.
Enjoy! =)